
9-​(2-​Chloropropyl) Tenefovir

Product Name 9-​(2-​Chloropropyl) Tenefovir
Product Code DA-T029-bf
Chemical name 9-​(2-​Chloropropyl) Tenefovir
Synonyms 9-(2-Chloropropyl)-9H-purin-6-amine;
Impurity NA
CAS Number 50615-40-2
Alternate CAS # NA
Molecular form C8H10ClN5
Appearance NA
Melting Point NA
Mol. Weight 211.65
Storage 2-8°C Refrigerator
Solubility NA
Stability NA
Category impurities,metabolites,pharmaceutical standards,intermediates,fine chemicals
Boiling Point NA
Applications 9-​(2-​Chloropropyl) Tenefovir is an impurity of Tenofovir (T018500). Tenofovir is an acyclic phosphonate nucleotide analogue and reverse transcriptase inhibitor. It is used as an anti-HIV agent. Antiviral.
Dangerous Goods Info NA
References NA
Extra Notes NA
Documents (MSDS) No Data Available
Keywords NA
Product Packings